What’s on tap?

AIM/R shares the minds behind its newly launched e-learning opportunity for members.

By Katie Hubach, CPA signature sales and AIM/R Board member


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Facial expression, Dress shirt, Face, Smile, Chin, Outerwear, Hairstyle, Arm, Neck, Sleeve

Charles Parham, CPMR

Jon Wiggs, CPMR, CSP

The Association of Independent Manufacturers’/Representatives (AIM/R) has produced a new, monthly experience for its membership — AIM/R on Tap! With this initiative, members will have access to year-round e-Learnings and networking opportunities. The free, virtual offerings happen every third Thursday of the month, at 11 a.m. CT/12 p.m. ET.

This new series is the brainchild of current AIM/R President, Charlie Parham, CPMR, CEO of Pepco Sales & Marketing. The idea for a 24/7, 365 AIM/R offering came from one of the recent AIM/R Board of Directors strategic planning sessions. The Board felt very strongly that members needed to have more opportunities for learning, and not just once a year at the Annual Conference. The leadership wanted to provide essential content to members throughout the year. 

Stepping up for member needs

The pandemic in 2020 was actually the catalyst for offering this additional content when it was needed most.

Dean Parker, CPMR, vice president of sales at Michel Sales, and longtime AIM/R member says, “The AIMR leadership and membership has done it again. Running a sales agency during these unique times is very difficult. Getting pertinent information from industry peers has been extremely valuable. Different perspectives that help to navigate the road ahead gives you confidence in the fact our organization will come through these times in a stronger more stable position than originally thought.”

During 2020, AIM/R offered more than 11 essential webinars to provide a guiding voice for reps through the pandemic, but there was not a consistent approach. It was Parham’s idea to have a more consistent, branded approach for the offerings. As a marketing major, this was certainly second nature for him. The consistency of offering webinars at the same time and day of the week each month was inspired by Parham's love for podcasts. He has watched his favorite podcasts gain a loyal following through the consistency of their offering and quality of their content. AIM/R on Tap hopes to generate a similar following among their membership, applying the same principles.

The AIM/R on Tap branding was another key element to the offering. The idea was inspired by the vision of having AIM/R knowledge being readily available “on tap” to members.  As a self-proclaimed “beer nerd”, Parham loved the AIM/R on Tap branding and hopes it helps members visualize having AIM/R knowledge “on tap” moving forward — and maybe sharing a beer with their fellow reps at the next annual conference.

Although Parham was certainly a guiding force in the development of this monthly series, it has been Jon Wiggs, CPMR, CSP, president of Wiggs-Haun & Bohan, who has taken the ball and run with it. Since the launch of AIM/R on Tap in January, AIM/R has seen a steady audience of more than a third of its membership, and the numbers are growing.

As the current senior vice president of education for AIM/R, Wiggs has developed a task force of fellow Board members to really spearhead AIM/R on Tap and other educational offerings. Impressively, they have already laid out the topics for monthly sessions well into 2021. Wiggs hopes to utilize the AIM/R on Tap platform to share ideas with membership on a monthly basis, and provide quality, continuous education.   

Brenda Cashdollar, CPMR, vice president of Synergy Sales, concurs with the new approach. “With all of us being isolated to our respective territories and restricted from most in-territory travel for the past year, missing the much-needed networking opportunities has been a challenge,” she says. “AIM/R on Tap allows us to work on our businesses year-round with important educational and networking opportunities. By bringing a virtual aspect to AIM/R, it is easier for agencies to invite more team members to participate based on key topics. I believe AIM/R on Tap is a game-changer for now and the future.”

Historically, AIM/R members received the bulk of their education via the Annual Conference. Although the Annual Conference remains the centerpiece of AIM/R’s education platform, the offering could sometimes feel like “drinking from a fire-hose” (extensive content over a short period of time). The new, monthly offerings allow for “bite-sized” sessions for members that are more easily digested, without leaving the comfort of their office. It is Wiggs' goal for membership to have one key take-away per session as an added benefit. It is the Board’s hope that the combination of the AIM/R Annual Conference — scheduled for San Diego, California, from Sept. 29 – Oct. 1 — and these monthly deliverables with AIM/R on Tap will provide AIM/R members with key education content 24/7, 365 days a year for the foreseeable future.

May 20: A Seat at the Table: Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace
Presenter: James Tippetts, LeaderWorx

 June 17: PPP Loan & Tax Update
Presenter: Postlethwaite & Netterville, P&N (invited)

July 15: Marketing for a Rep Agency – Rebranding, Part 1

Presenter: Jeff Blair, president, Barclay Sales

 August 19: Marketing for a Rep Agency – Digital Marketing, Part 2

Presenters: Jeff Davis, CPMR, vice president of sales, DSC Pacific; Charlie Parham, CPMR, CEO of Pepco Sales & Marketing

Upcoming sessions

Rave reviews

The association is already getting rave reviews from some of our members on our recent AIM/R on Tap sessions. 

“Nancye Combs has always brought a great insight into managing your business and the pitfalls to avoid. From my days at CPMR till her most recent contributions on AIM/R on Tap (Rescue and Recovery from the Pandemic) she has added tremendous value,” says Bill Horsman, CPMR, CSP, vice president of sales, Dellon Sales. “AIM/R on Tap is one of the many extra values that is given to AIM/R members. Just think how much this information and guidance would cost if you had to go find it somewhere else. We are blessed to have it brought right to us each month.” 

“I want to say thank you to AIM/R for creating the relevant and impactful content from the AIM/R on Tap series. We have been forced to change practically every aspect of our businesses, overnight. There is no handbook in a desk drawer for reference. We need to seek and find category experts for guidance. AIM/R on Tap delivered,” says Alan Cohen, CPMR, vice president of sales, Rich-Tomkins Co. ”Employee safety and retention were immediate concerns. Fast forward, finding and attracting new talent is a current challenge. To be able to gain insight and direction from a trusted icon like Nancye Combs is invaluable.” 

With the monthly platform, AIM/R is also able to offer topics not previously covered. The upcoming session on A Seat at the Table: Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace (May 20) is a great example. In addition, Wiggs is looking forward to two upcoming, rep-lead sessions on marketing and re-branding. 

Horsman stated it best: “One of the must-do Zooms on my calendar is always AIM/R on Tap. It has helped me to navigate through the changing times of 2020. What a wonderful add-on to the already beneficial services that AIM/R provides."

APRIL 2021

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